Prefab Hangar Homes Insulations
Most people haven’t heard about prefab hangar homes, so we assume neither did you, but the fact is this type of building is not that rare at all. Hangar homes are unique building structures designed with pilots in mind, and for their specific needs, especially pilots who are airplane owners per se. We have to admit it is quite an unusual creation we are talking about, but hangar homes actually make a lot of sense - they are simply homes with huge garages for smaller planes. Now, given these objects are mainly built like regular hangars, with metal walls, metal building insulation should be a number one concern in this matter.
What is Hangar Home?
Hangar homes are a juncture of a traditional or modern-looking house and a classic hangar where a smaller plane can be garaged. These two units can be separated or together, depending on preferences, so it may occur for the person to simply get up and see an airplane inside his living room. On the other hand, while the ground floor is reserved for plane needs, the upstairs of the structure can be designed to be a residential apartment, so the two are fully apart.
Hangar homes are actually a relatively new concept, and here are the benefits of owning this type of home:
- The matter of convenience
Plane owners have to always go back and forth between the place they live and the place their plane resides, and that can be quite exhausting, especially if it is on a daily basis. But hangar homeowners have the luxury of having it all under the same roof.
- Economical aspect
Let us be clear. Building this type of home costs money, as well as maintaining it properly, but plane owners know how much yearly they spend on renting hangars for aircraft parking. It really does pay off to invest in hangar homes for this purpose looking long-term.
- The security matter
An airplane hangar house always comes with a 24/7 security system, which is an additional plus. You simply cannot allow having a plane on a private property without monitoring it closely. That means you will have your entire home supervised.
- Social aspect
This is not on a top priority list, but it is a benefit. The fact hangar homes are built in specific areas, near airfields mean they usually belong to a community of pilots and like-minded people. For those who enjoy having a rich social life, this will mean quite much.
How is hunger home made?
The main thing about building a hangar home is that most parts are prefabricated and created off-site. That means when all of the elements arrive on site, the whole place is pretty much done in a short period of time. That’s a common practice so that airfield life isn’t disrupted because of the construction.
Regarding the construction of the building itself, the hangar home always has a steel frame that’s attached to the reinforced concrete plate so it's capable of withstanding high winds that are common around airfields. Another unique and demanded thing about hangar homes is that their ground floor walls need to be built out of concrete blocks, while ceiling and upper floor walls should be covered with hollow-core concern panels. That’s because this type of object has to be fully fire-resistant given a large amount of fuel will be present within the plane.
The next step brings the question of wall insulation which is crucial, not only because of all the obvious reasons like temperature control and moisture resistance but because of the aesthetics. Hangar homes are places of residence among other things, so the person may want for those steel walls or roofs to be covered fully with materials that are more appealing. That’s why it is important to pick the right type of hangar insulation. Foil fiberglass vinyl is an ideal solution if you prefer white facing of the walls.
Why do I need to insulate hangar home?
When it comes to these metal prefab homes/garages you immediately need to start thinking about house insulation. Insulation is a must with steel buildings given they are super quick in absorbing both hot and cold temperatures from the outside, which makes it impossible for the temperature control to exist without some sort of insulation. With the right insulating materials, your hangar home will be able to stay warm during cold winter months, as well as cold and pleasant for living during summer time.
Besides that, there is the matter of condensation, cooling, and heating savings, as well as noise reduction. Even though they are very strong and resilient, metal buildings can be significantly damaged by condensation. And condensation almost always leads to corrosion that can affect the sturdiness and stability of metal walls, it can lead to health problems for residents, like asthma, allergies, or bronchitis, and it destroys the aesthetics of the building due to the fact it looks really ugly.
Your cooling and heating costs will be dramatically reduced with steel building insulation given that you won’t be exposed to heat lose anymore, and you won’t be constantly having to cool down the incandescent walls. So insulation is always an investment that pays off really quickly when talking about steel buildings. And regarding noise reduction, that may not be of great concern for you maybe, but it sure will for your neighbors since you do drive a plane in and out of your hangar home.
Which type of insulation is the best?
We always like to leave it to our readers to conclude what insulation is the best choice for them, but we will present all the popular options you have to properly insulate the prefab hangar home.
Batt and blanket insulation
Batt and blanket is a type of insulation that contains fiberglass mineral fibers or rock wool mineral fibers. It belongs to cost-effective solutions, but it needs to be installed by a professional and in the proper way so it provides the full effect. It is a good solution for metal objects and it comes in rolls that are precut to a proper length and width.
Prodex Total 10m
Prodex Total 10m is super effective insulation with improved tearing resistance that has the ability to provide 4in1 protection. It can be insulation, plus vapor barrier, plus radiant barrier, plus air barrier. It is very easy to install, it dramatically reduces condensation, and it’s an ideal option for both hot and cold climates. You can also use Prodex total 5M for the same purposes - it’s unaffected by humidity and it prevents the majority of radiant heat transfer.
Spray foam insulation
Insulation for a steel-building house can be done with spray foam as well. It is a bit more expensive insulation option, but it provides good results. Spray foam comes in the form of a liquid and it has to be sprayed directly on surfaces that need to be covered with insulation. Spray foam is a good choice for cavities, floors, walls, and even ceilings.
Reflective foils
In case you are wondering how to insulate your hangar home and at the same time bring more brightness into the space, we recommend using reflective foils. The foil fiberglass vinyl we mentioned above is a great option because of its simplicity and how easy it is to install. This insulation may cost a bit more, but it is super clean and ideal for residential areas.
Under concrete Prodex Total
When it comes to the insulating floor of a hangar, the Under concrete Prodex total 5M is specially designed for those purposes. This material has the ability to reduce heat loss by 56%, it fully seals around the nails, and it completely removes any dampness and condensation in concrete. And given it is intended to be installed under the concrete slab, this Prodex is designed to withstand the weight of it. It is by far the best concrete floor insulation solution.
How much insulation do I need?
This depends on several factors. First, you need to determine what is the R-value you need for your insulation to deliver, which depends mostly on the zone you are located at. After that, you have to decide what type of insulation you will use for your hangar home, and then to provide the exact measures of an object you are planning to insulate. It would be best to measure the length and height of each room, and to bear in mind the existence of studs, windows, cavities, etc. The next step demands a precise calculation so you would know how many rolls of 24-inch Prodex Total 5M you would need, for example. Using computer software for this purpose is what we recommend. And finally, that way you will get to the exact amount of money you will need for this endeavor.